Friday, July 9, 2010

Two more days until I leave for NYC!

Two more days until I leave for NYC and lots to do.  I am soooo thankful for the internet.  How did people plan trips before this?  Am researching places to do my laundry, places to drink coffee (I don't really drink a lot of coffee but do like coffee shops), places to swim (must do some lap training before the Triathlon in August), places to run, places to eat, etc.  I even mapped out my subway ride from the apartment in Brooklyn to the Natural Gourmet Institute using Google Maps.  Very cool.  Have heard the weather is going to be hot in NYC - not looking forward to that.  Right now in Maine it's a beautiful, cool 70 degrees.  Hope the AC in my apartment works....  Off for a bike ride.  Talk to you soon.


  1. So exciting!! You will be in my old stomping grounds. (I grew up in Brooklyn Heights on Hicks Street near the Clark Street stop,) I'm so excited about your new adventure. You are living the motto I am trying to bring into my own life -- "Make it juicy, amazing and worth it!!" Sending love and all good vibes!! :) shireen

  2. Maura,
    Well girl, you have done what you kept saying you would-quit your job! And now a great cooking class. You are going to have sooo much fun in Brooklyn. I'll be tuned into your blog
    You go girl!

  3. Let the wild and wooly adventure begin!!
